Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Revolutionary technology allows programming a computer ...

accelearated_raster_zoomThe new Pac-n-Zoom? first end-user application allows anyone to convert a photo image into high definition animated video in Scalable Vector Graphics format (called SVG), as easy as 1-2-3. The resulting animation has almost no color or shape distortion, even if shown on a high resolution screen.

Accelerated I/O Inc. has announced release of the new Pac-n-Zoom? application technology which allows the easy conversion of any still raster image into native computer-coded animation. More specifically, it presents the unmatched ability to animate photos by converting raster graphics to scalable vector graphics (SVG) format, with a number of other applications possible as well:

Searchable Graphics ? Make all image and video files fully indexable and searchable, as the technology converts them into plain computer code
Document Handling ? Allow all documents to be scanned directly into computers, saved to the cloud, fully searchable, better than original in quality
Quality Photos ? Enable any mobile phone cameras to take non-pixelated images which can be shown on a big screen, distortion-free
Quality Video ? 100 times smaller movie files than the ones we use today, while maintaining better than Blu-ray quality.

The Pac-n-Zoom? first end-user application allows anyone to convert a photo image into high definition animated video in Scalable Vector Graphics format (called SVG), as easy as 1-2-3. The resulting animation has almost no color or shape distortion, even if shown on a high resolution screen. Now even a 7-year-old can animate any still pictures taken by an iPhone or an iPad into professional, tiny-size videos that can be easily shared and indexed. They can also be uploaded to social media websites such as Facebook or Google, as well as play these animations on a big screen TV with Blu-ray quality. It is not a dream anymore: Pac-n-Zoom? online application is already available at website and is completely free to try all of its features. This new technology is expected to become an exceptionally valuable tool for advertisers, and lots of fun for both kids and adults.

?We are showcasing animation, but SVG format has a future in all electronics, because it is a bridge between graphics and computers,? said Joe Doll, CEO of Accelerated I/O and inventor of the technology. ?With Pac-n-Zoom?, any picture or image can program the computer! Isn?t that a game changer??

Mr. Doll added that his technology opens the door for all application developers around the globe. Most application developers nowadays are very concerned about how to bring meaningful data into their applications. At present, that input limitation holds their app progress back more than anything else. Fortunately, any developer will be able to create an unlimited number of next-generation applications for every market and industry need, using the Pac-n-Zoom? open source developer toolkit, which will be released shortly.

For decades, designers and developers have been dreaming of such a tool that will convert any raster image graphics into an error-free computer code (vector graphics). That is now available thanks to Pac-n-Zoom? new technology.

In any existing SVG editor, the raster image has to be converted to SVG format. The primary problem with other technologies is they do not implement image noise compression. Without a correctly done signal-to-noise extraction algorithm, SVG is only an image, which is not useful to the computer. Moreover, in any existing website design application, all images have to be edited distinctly from the text. Scalable Vector Graphics format brings them all together, but the resulting images will not have the required level of compression and quality with any existing technology. Only Pac-n-Zoom? allows all pictures to be converted to SVG with great speed and accuracy, in a fully automatic mode. The resulting SVG files are of much better quality and exhibit exceptionally improved color depth when compared to the same graphics in GIF format. Additionally, since all SVG graphics are computer code, they are fully indexable and searchable by any search engine. As a form of standard XML code, SVG is open source, universal format for any graphics, both static and animated, so it can be used in web development, vector editors, online games, and any other software or hardware, with no limitations.

Due to Pac-n-Zoom? technology, SVG format can transfer an ordinary app into the industry favorite. For example, someone developed an online SVG editor application, but it has not been noticed and sold well until now. With Pac-n-Zoom? acting as its backend tool, such SVG editor can be turned into a measuring stick, form-and-fit calculator, and many other things. It is no longer a simple graphics app, but the true multi-modal appliance to be used in many key industrial areas. For instance, any console gamer without programming skills can grab images and convert and feed them right into the game to create custom terrains and characters. And taking this a step further ? imagine a gaming console which reads player?s thermal image in a fitness arcade game, using a tiny mechanical device, calculates his applied force and feeds it into the game in real time, elevating the whole play to the complete realism level. Photographic animation inside browsers, new generation-interactive websites and ads, and many more application concepts are waiting for developers to integrate them into a new Internet reality. Examples like these can be generated in nearly all modern industries, limited only by application developers? imagination.

To learn more about the Company and its technology please visit:

About Accelerated I/O

Accelerated I/O, Inc. (AIO) makes Pac-n-Zoom? innovative animation technology available to end-users and application developers who can incorporate it in their websites and mobile applications. AIO has open sourced web animation and encourages all developers to build and market various new applications using the Pac-n-Zoom? developer toolbox, which is currently at the final development stage, and is scheduled to be released early next year.

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