Thursday, November 15, 2012

J.Crew President Jenna Lyons Comes Out In Acceptance Speech ...


Gay men and fashion go together like vodka and tonic, but J.Crew President Jenna Lyons made history when she thanked her girlfriend at an awards ceremony on Monday.

Though rumors have long circulated, this is the first time Lyons has publicly mentioned her relationship with Crangi. And Lyons is believed to be one of the first out lesbians to helm a major American retailer. Sources say the relationship started after Lyons filed divorce from husband Vincent Mazeau last October. ?After the breakup, Jenna fell in love with Courtney, whom she had been friends with for some time,? reported the New York Post. ?They?ve known each other for years through the fashion business.? Lyons already outraged reactionary wingnuts last year when she and her son appeared in an ad together and Beckett?s toenails? were (gasp!) painted bright pink.


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