Saturday, November 17, 2012

Jeffries: Apple iTV ?imminent?

Nov 15, 2012 - 05:16 PM EST ? AAPL: 525.62 (-11.26, -2.1%) | NASDAQ: 2836.94 (-9.87, -0.35%)

?Apple?s entry into the TV market is ?imminent,? says Jefferies analyst James Kisner,? Jay Yarow reports for Business Insider.

?Kisner talks about Apple TV in a note about Arris, a cable tech company,? Yarow reports. ??Our discussions with industry contacts suggest that at least one major N. American MSO is working to estimate how much additional capacity may be needed for a new Apple device on their broadband data network. We believe this potentially suggests an imminent launch of the Apple TV,? says Kisner.?

Yarow reports, ?What?s interesting about this wording is that it suggests Apple is going to be doing something over broadband, as opposed to normal cable.?

Read more in the full article here.


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