Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Realm Beyond Reason : AF Magazine India

Posted by Supriya AFBangalore on Tuesday, November 20, 2012 ? Leave a Comment?

une oeuvre d'Ashish Dubey

A physicist by profession, Ashish Dubey who hails from Indore is passionate about photography and travel and has a talent for capturing nature in the simplest and purest forms. His exhibition?Realm Beyond Reason was inaugurated by the new French Consulate General M Eric Lavertu on November 2nd. The artist then took time to speak to each of the guests. Below is a short interview?

How did you become interested in photography?
I clearly remember it was soon after my wife and I got married ?that we were discussing about developing a hobby. We?were always keen on travel and then she said it will be wonderful if you take up photography?seriously as it was one among other hobbies at that time. She argued that as we go along we will?have a good collection of images of all our holidays. It will be fun to come back home and share it?with friends and family. In those days I used to shoot colour slides, so once back from a holiday we?could have a dinner and a slide show for our family and friends.

Do you have any favourite photographers?
I admire the work of Ashvin Mehta. He has done some wonderful work in abstraction. Michael?Yamashita is another favourite of mine specially the picture he did during the Basho?s trail for the?National Geographic magazine. Ansel Adam?s shots in the moonlight are simply amazing. These are a?few among the many masters I admire.

Photography generally implies the realistic representation of scenes and yet your works have an abstract, painterly quality about them. Is there a reason why you use one medium to produce work that resembles another?
We are stuck with definitions that a photo has to be this or that. The beauty of the camera is it reproduces faithfully these images which I capture that are real and we see them in our everyday life. The trouble is we want to find meaning in everything. That is not seeing. As we are then, trying to define the present with something acquired in the past. There has to be a conflict. Expression of art does not wait for the want of a medium. An image has to express itself. The final object is to achieve an assault which gets us the high. In my case I use the camera.

What is the message you try to convey through your images?
Nothing is for real.

MM. Eric Lavertu, Ashish Dubey, Philippe Gasparini

With the advances we have seen in digital photography, technology and image manipulation software, creating outstanding images no longer requires the level of technique, skill and craft that it did twenty years ago. Would you agree with this statement?
New technology brings in clarity to say something but finally it is the artist who has to speak through it so that the viewer can access the great void. Technology does not create beauty, man does.

Your images have been published in The National Geographic, which is a rare honour for someone whose primary occupation isn?t photography. What advice do you have for aspiring amateur photographers?
To develop an eye. I feel reading and then reflecting on it is very important. We need to devote time to develop a viewpoint that we wish our viewer to see.


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