Friday, October 5, 2012

Teens Break Into House And Facebook Their Party While Family Is ...

It?s like Project X 2.0, but in real life. A man says a group of teens broke into his South Carolina home and partied while the family was away on vacation. THEN? get this, the kids posted photos of the party on Facebook. We?ve all had a party once when were in school, but this is a little over the top. Check out one of the photos:

When the man and his family returned home from their vacation in New York they didn?t notice anything wrong with the house? until he saw the photos on Facebook. The man recognized the teens in the photographs as one of his kid?s classmates.

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The pictures included one of the teens throwing up in the sink and another teen passed out on the kitchen floor. He turned the photos over the cops who are now investigating the incident. Here is one piece of advice, wait until you are 21!


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