Monday, October 29, 2012

How A Healthy Hair Regimen Can Save Your Life | Curly Nikki ...

It?s common in our community to downplay the effort and energy spent on our hair by saying things like ?it?s only hair? or ?just hair.? And yes, while the strands coming out of our scalp is ?just? hair, the effort put into it can be life changing. Majority of my life coaching clients are African American women with one of their areas for improvement being their physical self, starting with their hair. I?ve noticed that once my clients begin making changes in their regimen and being consistent with it, they become consistent in other areas as well.

Nutrition plans are adhered to more stringently, exercising returns into their daily life, and general feelings of enhanced well-being come about. We?ve all heard that when you look good you feel good, and this is absolutely true. Taking this a step further, when you feel good, you do good. Meaning, you do better for yourself when you?re feeling better about yourself. It?s a wonderful cycle of self improvement; starting with hair.

That said, I urge you to dust off a piece of paper and create a solid regimen for yourself. Items to include may be:

  • washing with a low or no sulfate shampoo
  • deep conditioning regularly
  • moisturizing often
  • sealing with your favorite oil
  • detangling gently
  • styling with as little manipulation as possible
In addition to the direct hair regimen items listed above you may also want to consider:
  • drinking an extra glass or two of water each day
  • doing your favorite type of exercise
  • walking more often
  • taking part in your favorite hobbies/activities
  • enjoying your family and friends
Everything is connected. And your general well being can, and often does, begin with your hair. So let?s not downplay anything by saying ?it?s only hair,? because it just may be the spark you need to improve your entire life.

Good Luck!

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