Saturday, October 6, 2012

Enter the Zombie Combat Zone | Video Game Blog, Video Games ...

If you have ever heard people talking about the ?Zombie Apocalypse?, the world is going end, and so forth, this might interest you. If you feel the need to get probably the closest experience to that, there is a place up in Canada dedicated to delivering such an experience. I?m sure this will attract many, with peoples obsessions with Zombies. There are lots of Zombie games out there, such as Resident Evil or Left 4 Dead. There are also games like Black Ops 2 that go out of their way just to feature Zombies in it. This isn?t a game, this is real.?Alright, so the Zombies aren?t real, but they have to be pretty convincing, for sure?

Creeped out yet?

Located in a creepy forest in Surrey, British Colombia is where this experience like no other takes place. Fifty-seven acres of exploring, and assumed Zombies in every corner. Maybe not every corner, but some people have already been freaked out by the experience. Did I mention your only weapon is a paintball gun?

This I imagine would make for quite the experience. Ron McCall (Owner/Operator) of the ?Zombie Combat Zone? has said a few ?interesting things, just to give you all idea of what to expect.

?We run a simulated zombie apocalypse on a field in Surrey, about 50 acres. You join up with a soldier, get a paint gun and goggles and then you?re led in to this incredibly horrific experience. You meet different characters along the way and you are attacked by zombies.?

?We?ve had a few people actually quit because of the realism,? laughs McCall. ?We?ve had to lead them back out to where they started. It can be pretty intense for some people.?

I?ve gotta give the man props, he?s dead set on delivering a true Zombie experience that may?legitimately?scare you.

?That?s what they?re paying for and that?s what we?re giving them.???says McCall.

The prices are up there, but it is to be expected for such a thing. The man is putting all fifteen years of his previous experience into this. Fog and strobe lights help build the scenery, because who wants a Zombie scenario during the daytime anyway? If you can manage to gather 12 people (maximum group allowed) you not only save on cost, but chances are, you have a time you will never forget.

Prices range from $50-$89, depending on the amount of people you bring. Proper?preparations?require you to dress warm, and be ready to be on the move. Between orientation, equipping gear and the actual combat, you?re looking at about an hour of time for your money spent. Will YOU be paintballing Zombies?

There are rules before you go on this Zombie hunt of sorts. These ?Zombies? are actual people, in the end, who judging from the statements above, do their part pretty well. They will possibly scare you, but are not allowed to touch you either. Having the desire to punch one in the face will get you into trouble.?Assaulting?one will result in you being sent to jail. Directly to jail. You may not pass Go. You may not collect $200.

I?ve never been big on this whole Zombie kick, but I must say, this is very?intriguing,?to say the least. Upon viewing the site, the following in the FAQ section was my favorite thing to read:

We have certified First Aid attendants within the staff, who knows, maybe you?ll be cared for by a cute zombie?

So, I ask once again ? will YOU be paintballing Zombies? Are you ready for the Zombie Combat Zone? Zombie Combat Zone is scheduled to be be open through the end of November and is open on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Tickets seem to be mostly sold out, so if you are remotely interested, you may want to act quickly and get yourself on a waiting list.

Any further questions or information can be addressed to going to the ZCZ website below.

Click here for more info on the Zombie Combat Zone!

Article from

Related posts:

  1. Two More Reasons Proving the Zombie Genre Isn?t Dead. Yet.
  2. Dead Island focuses on Realism and Melee Combat
  3. Zombie Maps Confirmed For Call of Duty: Black Ops
  4. Undead Labs Working on Zombie MMO
  5. Launch Trailer for Zombie Driver


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