Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Baldwin, wife relay Sandy ordeal: Closet leak!

By Courtney Hazlett, TODAY

Alec Baldwin and his wife Hilaria Thomas, residents of Manhattan's East Village neighborhood, rode out Hurricane Sandy in their apartment, and documented the experience on video. How did the couple manage to make it through the storm? Well, not without a few hardships. Such as having to move Thomas' gowns out of her leaking closet and to a drier location.

"We already have a leak. Of course, in my closet. I have to take out all my red carpet dresses, because of the leak," Thomas said as Baldwin took video of said dresses, draped sadly over a bedside in the wake of early-storm dampness.

Thomas then bravely steps out on her balcony, scanning potted plants that have been toppled over ("Maybe that's where my leak is from?" she speculates) before going back inside, where she later becomes a little stir crazy. Which means "It's yoga time," according to Thomas.

By 5:45 AM Tuesday morning, with the power out, the couple are left to watch a movie on their laptop, with what little battery remains. Their film of choice: "Mirage," with Gregory Peck. Why? Ever the director,? Baldwin feed Thomas her line, "So while we're in a blackout, we're watching a movie with a blackout."

By Wednesday, Baldwin's foray into film making seemed to be over. The actor was back to tweeting politically driven things about the election, saying, "I suppose, at this point, the critical mass has been reached re a need 4 action on climate change."

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