Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Leprechaun Reboot Has a Director

Looks like we can add ?Hornswoggle? to the list of lucky charms: After the WWE star signed on to play the title role in a reboot of horror series ?Leprechaun,? the film has finally found its director.

The Wrap reports that visual effects specialist Zach Lipovsky will helm the long-awaited feature, based on the 1993 flick starring Warwick Davis and Jennifer Anniston. Lipovsky, who got his big break when he won the short-lived Steven Spielberg-Mark Burnett reality series ?On the Lot,? has directed numerous short films and TV movies, but never a theatrical feature.

?Leprechaun,? which toed the line between horror and comedy and spawned several sequels, focused on an evil leprechaun searching for his pot of gold and dodging four-leaf clovers. Producers of the reboot have been mum about what screenwriter Harris Wilkinson?s script entails, preferring the franchise?s new direction remain a mystery ? though Hornswoggle?s WWE affiliation (and Irish in-the-ring persona) ensures that the new villain should be able to kick some gold-stealing butt.

The film is a joint venture between Lionsgate and WWE studios. No word yet on production or release dates, but here?s hoping Hornswoggle?s involvement keeps the tongue-in-cheek spirit of the original intact.

[via The Wrap]

Earlier on Moviefone:

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