Thursday, July 26, 2012

Have You Got What It Takes?Freefall Self Improvement | Freefall ...

I would hate to think of the amount of courageous people I have partnered in the last 10 years to go out on their own, into their own business.? It is an extremely rewarding vocation partnering people to face their fear and embark on following their calling.

The focus of todays blog is around ?what it takes? to go out on your own AND what it takes to stay on the court once you have:-

NB? Some of what I share below is off the back of 10 years of knowledge from my own journey of being a female entrepreneur and those that I have had the privilege to partner.? Some of the advice may sound radical but it?s all tried and proven so take what works and discard the rest!

36 virtues of a solopreneur!? Debatable whether these are virtues but hey you get the drift!? WARNING: She?s a long blog today, so grab yourself a cuppa!

  • GUTS/BRAVERY ? What does it take to chuck in your job with no guarantee of security? ?You will or you will not but do you wish to live with regrets ? you get to chose.? Question for you ? how long have you been thinking about/talking about it but not doing it ? there is your answer!
  • BELIEF ? What does it take to get a bank loan and back yourself? ?Banks, Schmanks, what?s the drama ? they can either say yes or know.? I think the drama is created by the ability/belief to repay ? if you do not wish to back yourself from the get go stick to your day job!
  • FAITH ? What does it take to overcome all the objections from those around you to follow your passion? ??What other people think of you is none of your business, you have better things to focus your energy on! You cannot control what others think and here?s the deal, why should you care?
  • COURAGE ? What does it take to not buy into fear of others, market predictions,? and be courageous enough to leave the perceived security of your day job? ?Courage is not devoid of fear, quite the contrary it is using your fear to empower you to take action ? fear has no power unless you keep feeding it ? you have choice in the matter moment by moment on what you feed
  • ENROLLMENT ? What does it take to get the buy-in from your partner to do what you know you are destined to do? ?If they love you and believe in you then there should be no issue.? Maybe there is something that this is raising in your relationship if they are not enrolled in you & your ability
  • COMPASSION ? What does it take to overcome your own internal dialogue and make the leap of faith? ?Takes great compassion to have faith in yourself and only you will know which voice you listen to ? your inner critic or your intuition ? the wiser man/women would always chose their intuition
  • TRUST ? What does it take to ?let go? of the salary and believe that you could earn more money for less time and less effort? ?Beliefs run everything ? you believe you can you can and if you believe you can?t you can?t ? simple!? People shift a belief in two ways, through choice or through finding evidence to validate ? I prefer the first option personally, everytime!
  • VISION ? What does it take to keep believing in your passion when the results do not seem to equate to the effort being expended? ?You are bigger than your bank balance!? You have to live, eat and breathe your vision to overcome ANY perceived obstacle ? its why you wake up in the morning doing what you love.? It always works out!? Always!
  • PERSEVERANCE?- What does it take to keep going when you have jumped and high expenditure is being made with little monetary return, in the short term? ?One can persevere through anything if they own who they are and who they are becoming ? after all what is life if it is not all about having an adventure. ?Look at the lifecycle of a plant ? you can not force a plant to grow by yelling at it ?Grow you bas?.rd!!!!! ?It will grow in the right, time sequence and space and then it will be right to harvest! ?BUT you must plant seeds EVERYDAY to harvest people!
  • KNOWING ? What does it take to trust that it will always be OK regardless of what happens? ?The ultimate faith that it will always be ok liberates one to relax and enjoy the ride, regardless of circumstance
  • SELF VALUE ? What does it take to charge what you want to charge for the value you feel you offer, regardless of where the market is at? ?You set the precedent in the market, not the other way around.? Claim your space, test the waters, but have fun doing it ? cut the drama
  • KNOWLEDGE ? What does it take to become proficient as a business owner over and above being proficient in your field of expertise? ?You will sabotage your business from the get go if you do not seek mentorship/coaching/consultancy advice to empower you to run a professional business behind the scenes.? Looking good externally with a backyard that is out is congruent, and downright ludicrous
  • LEVERAGE ? What does it take to let go of your 100% shareholding and trust that those that wish to come into your business have what it takes to propel your business to where you want it to go? ?If you do not leverage constantly in your business and TRUST you will sabotage your business ? holding on so tight in the need to control will strangle your success
  • COMMITMENT ? What does it take to hire resource when you are struggling to pay yourself? ?Every leadership/entrepreneurial book says, ?pay yourself first? ? god knows I learnt that the hard way ? as Nike says ?Just Do It!?
  • DETERMINATION ? What does it take to transition smart, versus hard? ?Be determined to not follow in the footsteps of millions of unsuccessful business owners before you ? they all had a doctorate in HARD and STRUGGLE, god only knows I can relate.? Working smart is a choice from the beginning, do the research, get the support and jump
  • AMBITION ? What does it take to not continue to hold onto contractual work when all you want to do is actively embrace your passion 24/7? ?Letting go is the hardest lesson for a leader, manager, business owner to learn, the hardest!? You can?t attract abundance in your life if you are fearful of letting go!? So let go and find new evidence!? (Precursor, but don?t be stupid about it!)
  • INTEGRITY ? What does it take to manage creditors and stay in integrity? ?Golden rule always stay in communication with your creditors and they will always work with you versus against you ? its part and parcel of being in business
  • ENTERPRISING ? What does it take to pitch for investment? ?A viable business plan, a properly structured investor profile, a powerful coach/mentor, belief in your venture, due diligence, a powerful CFO/Financial Advisor, support person who understands how to pitch to investors
  • ACCEPTANCE ? What does it take to delegate when you are fearful others will not honor your brand like you do? ?Again, if you do not let go you cannot grow ? everyone can be trained to live to the expectations of the leader and or brand ? give them a chance
  • FORTITUDE ? What does it take to invest in a coach, mentor, consultancy advice when you feel you can barely keep your own head above water? ?You are damned if you do and damned if you don?t.? Catch 22.? You have to take quantifiable risks as an owner of a business. If your intention is to transform your financial experience then it?s an investment that you will never regret so long as you chose the right collaborative coach/mentor/advisor ? do your research
  • PIONEER ? What does it take to champion your passion when you know you are pioneering something the market is not familiar with? ?There have been many pioneers before you and there will be many more ahead of you ? those that win are those that are willing to be courageous enough to pop their head up above the parapet
  • CO-CREATE ? What does it take to co-create versus die in the killing fields of DOING? ?Co-creation = connectedness/limitless / Doing ? disconnectedness/limited ? you chose how you operate in your business.? The wise business owner learns the art of what it means to co-create, ie cultivate a relationship with their faith, whatever that is for them
  • PERSISTENCE ? What does it take to close the sale when you have to put a dollar value on yourself and you are not feeling 100% confident people will pay you want you feel you deserve? ?You will sabotage your business unless you become proficient in closing the sale!??? If you are going to invest in anything invest in this! ?Proficiency in mastering the close!
  • TENACITY ? What does it take to overcome confusion as to why x,y,z is not working? ?Confusion is the death nail to a business.? STOP IT!? Answer the question!? You know the answers, always.? And if you are not willing to be responsible to do that then get some advice from someone who will tell you straight ? don?t delay!
  • AUDACITY ? What does it take to be a mother, to manage the household, children, husband, and still champion your vision/passion? ?Millions have done it before you, you are not unique, sorry. Talk to other successful business women in the world who have already done it and leverage their knowledge
  • RESPECT ? What does it take to believe that the timing is right? ?I believe that timing is everything, I am a slow learner, its taken me 10 years to learn this one!? Respect that there is a reason, a season, a lifetime for things to run their natural course.? You will know when the time is right ? Precursor ? so long as you do not use this as an excuse to not take action!
  • CONFIDENCE ? What does it take to increase your rates? ?If you do not have confidence in what you charge how do you expect the ?would be? client to?? Get some coaching!
  • GRATITUDE ? What does it take to not view others in the market who are in the same field as your competitors? ?There is enough business out there for all of us if you think from an abundance consciousness.? There is not enough business out there if you come of scarcity thinking ? you get to chose!? We believe competition is about insecurity, if you believe in yourself and your product/services, don?t worry about what anybody else is doing!
  • DEVOTION ? What does it take to move from thinking that you will be successful to knowing you will be successful? ?When you go out on your own you have to become a devotee of your cause like never before!? Fall in love with EVERYTHING in your business otherwise it will frustrate the living day lights out of you ? Knowing you will be successful guarantees success
  • STRENGTH ? What does it take to not use money as the excuse to not live your passion? ?Money is the biggest cop out on the planet where entrepreneurs/business owners/startups are concerned ? money is NEVER the reason.? You cannot have an issue with money if you do not feed it.? There is a difference between having little or no money and being a victim in business and having little or no money and being empowered knowing that when its meant to shift, it will shift ? implicit faith people, don?t leave home without it.? I am living proof ? I have achieved more in 10 years in business than most people I know, without the money!
  • ENDURANCE ? What does it take to keep positive when you have creditors knocking on your door? ?It?s a part of being in business, love your creditors, send them white light, put smiley faces on your ever growing invoice file, do the money dance when it feels like it is all getting on top of you ? lighten up ? they won?t kill you!
  • ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ? What does it take to acknowledge what you are accomplishing? ?If you do not acknowledge what you have achieved to date what makes you think anything you achieve in future will hit the radar ? acknowledgement is critical to your sustained success in business, gotta celebrate the wins, regardless how big or small!
  • WISDOM ? What does it take to ask for help, allow contribution and make requests of people constantly? ?Be humble, everyone wants to help if they are given permission to.? Think about it, if someone you love asked you for help does that not make you feel good, multiple that 1000fold, think of the abundance of support you would receive ? you have to balance giving and receiving, it?s a must!? A proud business owner will always suffer!
  • UNSTOPPABLE ? When NOTHING seems to be working and you are close to shutting your doors what do you do? ?This is me personally ? NEVER, NEVER, NEVER GIVE UP ? there is ALWAYS a way, even when you can?t see it and I am speaking from experience here!
  • CREATIVITY ? If you have a lousy credit rating, no assets, no collateral and you know you need to raise in investment to grow your business, how on earth do you do that? ?People will invest into anything if they believe in the venture/person/potential. ?You know you have truly mastered enrollment when you can gain investment in your venture with none of the above ? SO, how much do YOU believe in what YOU are doing?
  • PATIENCE ? What will it take to believe in yourself? ?And last but not least.? LOVE, is the most powerful energy in a business.? Have patience, when called, you can never deny the calling, the universe has a habit of getting your attention, constantly!

I did not create a brand called ?Freefall? for nothing.? If you are interested in going out on your own or taking your fledgling business to new heights or reinvigorating your passion for what you do consider calling one of the Freefall Team on 09 488 6764 or book in for a 1 hour free no obligation consultation session to hear more about the Freefall Experience Seminars ? refer


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