Friday, April 13, 2012

Lady Gaga Makes Light Of Eating Disorders With ...


Some of Lady Gaga?s 22 million followers are angry with her for making light of eating disorders after she tweeted about eating healthy instead of pigging out with the hashtag #PopSingersDontEat.

Mother Monster has talked about having bulimia in high school before, so perhaps she thinks she has the cred to joke about anorexia.

After all, Twitter hashtags often give the writer the ability to be ?as offensive as they want? without really meaning it.

But a lot of young girls (and gay men and LGBTs) suffer from eating disorders, the same young girls who go on the internet to thinspiration blogs and will doubtless use her #PopSingersDontEat as a new call to action on how to be as impossibly skinny and pretty as Lady Gaga.

And guess what: eating disorders have the highest death rate of any mental disorder.

Since she took that ?vow of silence,? we guess she won?t be defending herself to the media anytime soon.

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