Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Build A Powerful Internet Marketing Brand With Shane Melaugh

Thumbnail image for How To Build A Powerful Internet Marketing Brand ? An Interview With Shane Melaugh

Maintaining focus and staying on track is one of the key challenges for any entrepreneur looking to build a thriving and successful internet marketing business. In fact most people first starting out in Internet Marketing are likely to fail and give up within the first six months.

Shane Melaugh from Swiss Made Marketing is an exception to this rule as him along with with Sam Haenni from Swiss Made Marketing built a successful and long lasting online business with product creation, cutting edge marketing and powerful branding.

Their highly successful keyword research tool SE Cockpit is now considered one of the leaders in the industry and has personally helped me build many successful and profitable internet marketing campaigns with its unparalleled competition analysis.

In this interview, Shane shares some of his Internet Marketing wisdom and tells us about the path he took to success and some of the pitfalls to avoid. He also shares his strategies for creating and marketing a successful product like SE Cockpit and his secret launch strategy.

Here are some of the things you will learn from this insightful interview:

  • How you can build a successful online business regardless of your background or skills
  • How to stay focused and motivated at the start and avoid some of the pitfalls which can lead to failure.
  • Shane?s strategies for creating a successful Internet Marketing product from scratch
  • Shane?s successful product launch strategy and why 90% of the Internet Marketing products fail even before the launch
  • The importance of building your own brand and how you can avoid being commoditized as just ?another? internet marketer
  • Shane?s new SEO paradigm and how to build a successful traffic strategy and foolproof yourself from Google?s constant algorithm changes
  • Why SE Cockpit should be an integral part of your internet marketing arsenal

and much much more?.

On a lighter note I also discuss Shane?s ?no quibble? views on the infamous Warrior Internet Marketing Forum, Warrior Special Offers (WSO?s) and how to protect yourself from getting sucked into buying outrageously hyped products that often promise a lot but deliver very little.

So, go ahead watch the interview and tell me one thing you learned that will help you get on the road to success in 2012.

How To Build A Powerful Internet Marketing Brand

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Apologies for the poor video quality at the start but we are working tirelessly to have this fixed as soon as possible.

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