Thursday, January 3, 2013

Kim Zolciak is NOT Building a New Home. ? Tamara Tattles

happy-new-year-13Well Happy Fucking New Year.? Can I just tell y?all how much 2013 is sucking so far? I woke up with a Champagne hangover. It?s raining. I?m typing this in Word because the Internet is acting a fool today. My one note troll is in comments trying once again steer every post to be about racism, and then I get a comment calling me a thief. Some dude name Ed is claiming that I stole his story about Kim Zolciak?s new house. I say we just skip to 2014 and see if that is any better.

First, I?m going to explain to you (and? Ed) the background my story about Kim Zolciak?s? new (or is it) house.? As you all know, because I whine about it every week,? day nights can be a bit grueling. I try my best to do two back to back recaps on Real Housewives of Atlanta and Shahs and it?s usually 3-4 hours of rapid blogging trying to get both up before midnight. Not last Sunday but the Sunday before, with about ten minutes to go until RHOA I get an email from a source that say?s ?Kim Z is building on (name of street redacted).?? ?That?s? it. No house number. Source I?ve never gotten anything from before. Just that.? So I tucked that info away and went to recapping.



Kim Zolciak New HouseI?ve been extra bitchy lately mostly because I?m not feeling that great. When I?m sick my anxiety tries to out do the sick and overall I just don?t feel like doing much. So I wasn?t in super sleuth mode much.? First I googled the street name with Kim Zoliak to see who else had the information. Nothing came up. This means either the source is crap, or I have an exclusive. I went to public records and went through some property tax information on the house. I didn?t find anything there except for DeShawn and Eric Snow?s tax records on the same street. At first, I thought Kim had bought DeShawn?s house and was doing a renovation.? But no, Kim said she was building, and more importantly the source says she was building. So I hopped on Google Earth and found that there were a few empty lots still in the neighborhood. I?m back to being convinced that I?m on the right street and that Kim is indeed building a house.? When Kim tweeted the picture of the house I was able to match it up to a house on the street my source provided.

I researched the neighborhood for a bit. I looked into property prices (which were plummeting) and researched the company that owns the land that was for sale.? I decided I had enough information to run the story.? So I did that yesterday.

After I run the story,? TRho, who I know from other places and generally like a lot comes barreling into my exclusive? screeching about how it?s not a build, it?s a renovation.? She?s correcting all my many errors in comments and attributing her information to someone on twitter that I have block both from my twitter and here because she is Donna levels of crazy, and quite frankly we have enough crazy here. I finally after eight days of researching off and on, have the story.? What we all wanted to know was if Kim was really building a house and where it is located.? Yes she is! I say. Here it is. I write. You may all bow down and tell me what a great job I did now.? Except? I was wrong . I was wrong about something really important.

researchI asked Trho where she was getting all of her information and she said she was just ?reading tweets.? Whatever.? Then this morning Ed is trying to comment on my blog. I?ll approve his comment after I post this. It says ?You?re exclusive is about 20 days too late. Thanks for the theft!?? oh, and there is another from Roy that says, ?umm, how can this be an ?exclusive? on Dec 31, when we broke this story on Dec 11? Therefore, you dont have an ?exclusive? honey.??? Both Ed and Roy have a TVfishbowl? email address so I assume there is an article there.?? I know two things. I sourced this story myself and I searched the Internet for anything regarding Kim and the street.? Nothing came up. I?m reminded of the time that I interviewed someone about Danielle Murphree from Big Brother and that person also provided the information to another blogger. Neither of us knew and be both were adamant that the other stole the story. The source finally told us both that she had given us both this ?exclusive? information.? I?m wondering if something similar happened here.? So I head on over to the fishbowl. I have to say it?s a nice place. I also totally get being pissed off when people steal your stuff. I would never do that and always give credit to other site?s work.? There I see on December 11 their article. They have the picture of the house well before Kim tweeted a picture. They have all the real estate information, the price paid they have the whole enchilada right there.? How is it possible that this did not show up in a google search? How did none of the other housewives blogs have this information?? Better yet, why didn?t some of my readers who read everything everywhere and tweet me the tea know about? this?

Kim Zolciak New HouseThe answer appears to be that much like me the people at TVFishbowl? didn?t include the street name in their story. So it never came up for me. If it had, I would have sourced them in a story on December 11th. I wasn?t aware of their story until today. Had I read it, my post would have been much more accurate and I would not have had to deal with the wrath of TRho.? Trust me. I would much rather have had all the info from them before I posted yesterday. BECAUSE THAT POST IS FULL OF AWESOME!

Here is why. The real estate information they posted shows that the house was A FORECLOSURE!? Yes, Kim Zolciak, who trotted her wig all through Kandi Burrusses house with her nose in? the air because Kandi bought a foreclosure?.Kim who demanded a brand new house that no one has ever lived in? that Kim bought a foreclosure at a steal of a price.? Hypocrite much, Kimberleigh?? I?m not sure if it was ever lived in by random people or not. But that is the real tea. And it has been sitting right there on the Internet since December 11th.

So, Miss TRho, I?m sorry I was such a ginormous bitch yesterday. I plead guilty with the above long ass explanation. ?And to the gentlemen at TVFishbowl, I plead not guilty. But I hope this post makes up for any slight and agree that you indeed had the exclusive more than two weeks ago. I only wish I had known about it then, honey.

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