Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Eric Chua : Life, Business and Real Estate in Singapore ? Making ...

You can make a lot of money in the commercial real estate market. Yet, not everyone can do it, there is much to gain and much to lose with every investment.

Know that you need to charge the proper amount of rent so as to make money on your investment. Don?t talk to potential tenants until you have figured out your rental fee structure. This will enable you to achieve the benchmarks and goals that you calculated on your investment?s performance.

Commercial loans require a higher down payment than your typical residential loan. The most commonsense way to obtain commercial financing is by checking out different lending agencies and by asking around regarding the best types of investments.

TIP! Do your research so you know ahead of time if you will have issues with the environment surrounding your property. It?s up to you to clean up any damage or environmental waste associated with your property.

Look into the neighborhood you?re planning on buying property in. Your business might do better in affluent communities, since your prospective foot traffic has more money. Yet, if you have a business that might thrive in a neighborhood where the not so well-off would opt to go to your business, then maybe that kind of neighborhood is for you.

Choose simple, strongly constructed buildings if your plan is to purchase real estate for the sole purpose of renting or leasing it. These buildings give off an appearance of being well-maintained and are more inviting to potential tenants. This sort of building is virtually maintenance-free, so there will be fewer headaches for owners and tenants.

Compared with buying a home, purchasing commercial real estate requires more time, money and paperwork. However, all of this is required because it facilitates higher returns on your investments.

TIP! Take the time to find a good agency who actively believes and demonstrates that the client comes first. Otherwise, you could be in for additional money later on due to their mistakes which could have been avoided in the first place.

Ask potential real estate brokers to describe how they make money. Their answer should be discussed openly. Don?t hire a broker if he can?t adequately explain how helping you with the transaction will benefit his firm. If you don?t understand how the company benefits from transactions, ask questions to clarify the issue.

When you first begin investing in properties, you may need to sacrifice a lot of your personal time. Good opportunities can be found if you look, and after you have made a purchase, the property may require repairs or remodeling. You should never give up because it is time consuming. You will be rewarded later.

A letter of intent should be kept simple by focusing on larger issues and leaving smaller issues to negotiate later. This will diffuse tension during negotiations and will facilitate compromise on the minor issues.

TIP! A variety of kinds of commercial property real estate brokers exist. A full service broker works with both the tenants and the landlord.

Consider all of the tax benefits when planning on commercial property investment. Depreciation benefits and interest reductions are given to investors in commercial real estate. Other investors deal largely with ?phantom income? ? income that is not paid in cash, yet is still taxed. Before investing, become more familiar with this sort of income.

You probably do not want to sign a lease form that is standard when you are leasing a commercial piece of real estate. Lease documents can be quite lengthy, and big companies are notorious for slipping in a few extra clauses that you might miss. If you pay close attention to the content of the lease, you will be far less likely to encounter difficulties stemming from the lease document.

When you?re on the market to buy commercial real estate, keep an eye out for properties slightly larger than what you originally had in mind. It?s not more work managing more units than less units, but each unit can cost less if you buy a property with more.

TIP! Eliminate as many definitions of default (i.e.

Compile a number of people to partner with financially. These can be professional lenders, friends and family. This will allow you to ascertain cash flow. Be sure your contracts are flexible with a clause that allows payments with fixed interest and/or payments consisting of a set percentage of the property?s income.

Consider the features that your business requires prior to searching for commercial property. You should be aware of the exact specifications you will need for your office space. If you have hopes of company growth, you will clearly want to purchase excess space, rather than wait until later when prices go up.

When making a commercial real estate purchase, have well-defined goals in mind. Are you actually going to run a business in the building, or lease it to another business? Be sure that you have goals that are specific and clear when you look for commercial property, as this can save you plenty of effort and time.

TIP! Make a checklist to compare details when looking at several properties. Certainly take down initial proposal responses, but don?t get into anything further without informing the property owners.

Add a blog to your website to develop your good reputation. Putting up a blog will also help you find lessees or buyers for your commercial properties as well.

Commercial property can make you rich if you know what you are doing. If you want a chance of succeeding, you will need a big down payment, time and effort. To achieve this, heed this advice.

Source: http://www.maynaseric.com/making-the-most-of-your-commercial-real-estate-transactions-5

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