Thursday, February 28, 2013

The 'Argo' effect: Film could stoke suspicions about Americans abroad

The Oscar-winning film 'Argo' tells of how CIA operatives posed as a film crew to free hostages in Iran in 1979. The film could reinforce impressions in some countries that Americans are government agents.

By Gloria Goodale,?Staff writer / February 26, 2013

This film image released by Warner Bros. Pictures shows Bryan Cranston (l.) as Jack O?Donnell and Ben Affleck as Tony Mendez in 'Argo,' a rescue thriller about the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis.

Claire Folge/Warner Bros./AP/File


Filming in remote locations has never been a cakewalk, but thanks to Oscar?s top choice, ?Argo,? it just got a teensy bit harder, say some intelligence and entertainment industry watchers. The film depicts Hollywood producers helping the CIA spring six American diplomats from 1979 revolutionary Iran by posing them as a film crew.

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While the events are decades old, say experts, the message is current and more persuasive in many countries than ever: Americans abroad are the tools of their government and not to be trusted.

?It?s not something you can measure easily,? says David Barrett, a political scientist at Villanova University and author of "The CIA and Congress: The Untold Story from Truman to Kennedy." But, he says, ?if I were a film company sending my team into Iran or North Korea or Vietnam or any number of countries, it would be prudent to assume that my team would be the object of suspicion.?

?I would also assume this movie ["Argo"] may have confirmed this suspicion for many who do not read books but do see movies,? he adds.

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science?s decision to bring in none other than first lady Michelle Obama to announce the best film Oscar ? which just happened to be "Argo" ? only amplifies the impression that the relationship between the US government and Hollywood is totally chummy.

?That decision crossed a line,? says Chuck Evered, a director and writer whose film, ?A Thousand Cuts,? was recently nominated for a Saturn Award, one that honors science fiction films.

If the industry wanted to send a message of independence from government influence, he says, ?that would not be the choice you would make.... If we are all in each other?s back pockets, how effective as storytellers can we be??

The CIA has used any number of covers over the years, says Peter Earnest, a 35-year CIA veteran and executive director of the International Spy Museum in Washington. He says he was involved in numerous intelligence operations and points out that ?there are any number of countries where if you even speak a foreign language or ask questions you will become an object of suspicion, so Americans are not alone in this.?


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Apple, Facebook Tell Supreme Court That Marriage Equality Is A ?Business Imperative?

flicker-user-phil-roederDozens of major U.S. companies have come out in support of marriage equality, including Apple, Facebook, eBay, and Intel. In legal briefings submitted to help overturn California's ballot initiative, Proposition 8, which made same-sex marriage unconstitutional, the companies argue that "recognizing the rights of same-sex couples to marry is more than a constitutional issue. It is a business imperative."


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Kendra Wilkinson Isn?t Ready to Sacrifice Social Life for Second Child

"I'm not going to be going out and everything's going to be at home," the reality starlet, who appeared on Tuesday's season premiere of ABC's Celebrity Wife Swap, tells PEOPLE of what having another child would mean.


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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

My Warming Jacket: Patagonia?s Encapsil Down Belay Parka

My Warming Jacket: Patagonia’s Encapsil Down Belay Parka
Patagonia has produced the first 1,000-fill-power down parka. It doesn't come cheap, but if you're looking for the ultimate cold-weather coat, this just might be it.


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LG's 'VR Panorama' puts Photosphere on the Optimus G Pro

VR Panorama on the LG Optimus Pro

LG Photosphere from the Nexus 4 and improves it on its newest device

Android Central at Mobile World Congress

It's no secret that I'm a pretty big fan of the 360-degree Photospheres you can shoot with the Nexus 4. Fire up the camera app, spin around a few times and you get a really cool shot that can be panned and zoomed, and shared on Google+, or embedded with Google Maps. It's a novelty, yeah. But I'm enjoying the hell out of it, and there are some great Photospheres being published every day from remarkable locations.

But so far the only phones with that feature have been Google's Nexus 4 and Galaxy Nexus. Until now.

LG, which also manufactured the Nexus 4, has a new version of Photosphere built into the camera application on its Optimus G Pro, which the company is showing off here in Barcelona, Spain, at Mobile World Congress. (The phone actually is available already in Korea.) And we recently took it for a spin in Plaça de Catalunya to see how it works.

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Swimming in Sperm and Eggs

Sea anemone in Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, during the 2012 spawning season.

Sea anemone in?Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, during the 2012 spawning season

Courtesy of Abby Wood

The Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, a narrow band of coral stretching from the Yucatan to northern Honduras, hugs the Belizean coastline like a giant parenthesis. In a few places, the main spine of the reef rises above the surface, forming low islands exposed to the wind and waves of the open sea.

One of these islands, 13 miles offshore, houses the Smithsonian Institution?s Carrie Bow Cay Marine Field Station. When I stepped ashore one sweaty evening, the station had an air of cheerful dereliction. Researchers in bikinis and half-zipped wetsuits circled in and out of the bare-bones laboratories. A hand-lettered wooden sign near the station house entry read ?FREE BEER TOMORROW.?

The evening?s task would be delicate, however, and tension was building. It was three days after the full moon, and some of the corals near Carrie Bow were expected to begin their annual spawn once night fell. A team of aquarists and marine scientists had gathered on the island in hopes of collecting sperm and eggs released into the water by endangered coral species.

If all went well, the scientists would each return home with a supply of coral larvae ready to be raised in captivity?and, perhaps, serve as an insurance policy for the Caribbean?s fast-declining reefs. If not ? well, they were trying not to think about that possibility. When it comes to coral, they know they can?t count on much.

On the sandy back steps of the research station, Mary Hagedorn of the Smithsonian sat in front of a picnic table piled with equipment. ?OK, everyone, let?s rehearse,? she said. She turned to Abby Wood, a professional actor who volunteers in the invertebrate department at the National Zoo. ?So I?m a coral,? Hagedorn said, sticking her hands over her head and laughing. ?You?re going to slip the bag over me ??

Wood, a dark-haired 30-year-old with a big, deep voice?she played Tybalt in an all-female production of Romeo and Juliet?pantomimed what Hagedorn and the aquarists hoped would soon happen in the water.

Divers would hitch the silk bags over a few branches of spawning coral, catching the sperm and egg bundles as they floated upward and collecting them in plastic vials attached to the tops of the bags.

Underwater in Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, during the 2012 spawning season Underwater in Carrie Bow Cay, Belize, during the 2012 spawning season

Courtesy of Abby Wood

When the spawn petered out?spawns last only a few minutes?the divers would carefully cap the vials and hand them to a snorkeler, who would ferry them back to the research boat. Wood mugged her way through the demonstration. It was part practice, part ritual.

Coral sex is more complicated than one might imagine. Corals can reproduce asexually?that is, coral fragments can grow into clones of their parent. But corals can also reproduce through the fertilization of eggs by sperm. Sexual reproduction preserves genetic diversity, and with it a species? ability to withstand and adapt to change.

But coral sex probably doesn?t happen as much as it used to. In the Caribbean, warming water, disease, overfishing, and other problems have killed 80 percent of the region?s coral, turning many reefs into rocks and seaweed. Similar foes are killing coral in the Pacific, where the extent of living coral is thought to have shrunk by half in recent decades. These smaller, weaker, and more diffuse populations seem to be less likely to spawn?and when they do, their sperm and eggs are less likely to meet in the water.

In 2006, a group of European and U.S. aquarists, experts in aquatic plant and animal husbandry, were concerned about the ongoing declines in coral worldwide and decided to try raising sexually reproduced coral in captivity. They knew it would be a challenge: They would have to collect coral sperm and eggs in the wild during infrequent, never-quite-predictable coral spawns, fertilize the eggs in the laboratory, and, once they had young, living corals, figure out how to keep them alive through adolescence. They hoped that sexually reproduced captive coral could be used to revitalize or restore wild coral populations damaged by overfishing, climate change, or other forces.

The aquarists managed to bring some endangered staghorn coral larvae back to their aquaria, where they varied water temperatures, water chemistry, flow rates and feeding regimes, trying to find the optimal conditions for each species. ?We were basically trying to re-create the ocean in a box,? says Michael Henley, an invertebrate curator at the National Zoo.

Each year, as the techniques improved, a few more coral larvae survived and grew. The largest captive-grown staghorn coral colony, which lives at a research station in southern Florida, is now as broad as a dinner plate. In the summer of 2010, the aquarists began releasing young captive-grown corals on a reef near Cura?ao, and many are still alive?an encouraging sign for larger-scale restoration efforts.

Now, on the coast of Belize, the aquarists wanted to try their techniques with elkhorn coral, another gravely endangered coral species in the Caribbean.

Just after sunset, the crew loaded a boat with gear and set off for a half-submerged atoll near Carrie Bow with some large, healthy-looking specimens of coral. Lightning flashed in the distance, over the open sea, and the moon began to rise, huge and orange.


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Doing good is good for you: Volunteer adolescents enjoy healthier hearts

Feb. 25, 2013 ? Giving back through volunteering is good for your heart, even at a young age, according to University of British Columbia researchers.

For their study, published February 25 in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, researchers from UBC's Faculty of Education and Department of Psychology wanted to find out how volunteering might impact physical health among adolescents.

"It was encouraging to see how a social intervention to support members of the community also improved the health of adolescents," says Hannah Schreier, who conducted this research during her doctoral studies at UBC.

Researchers split 106 Grade 10 students from an urban, inner-city Vancouver high school into two groups -- a group that volunteered regularly for 10 weeks and a group that was wait-listed for volunteer activities. The researchers measured the students' body mass index (BMI), inflammation and cholesterol levels before and after the study. They also assessed the students' self-esteem, mental health, mood, and empathy.

The volunteer group of students spent one hour per week working with elementary school children in after-school programs in their neighborhood. After 10 weeks they had lower levels of inflammation and cholesterol and lower BMIs than the students who were wait-listed.

"The volunteers who reported the greatest increases in empathy, altruistic behaviour and mental health were the ones who also saw the greatest improvements in their cardiovascular health," says Schreier, now a postdoctoral fellow at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York.

Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of mortality in Canada and the United States. The first signs of the disease can begin to appear during adolescence. Previous studies show that psychosocial factors, such as stress, depression and wellbeing, play a role in the disease.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of British Columbia.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Hannah M. C. Schreier. Effect of Volunteering on Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in AdolescentsA Randomized Controlled TrialVolunteering and Cardiovascular Disease Risks. JAMA Pediatrics, 2013; : 1 DOI: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2013.1100

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Children and Families Bill ? the missing pieces | Special Needs Jungle

senreform2Earlier this month, we shared our Initial Views on the Children and Families Bill. ?Since then, we have had chance to look at the Bill in more detail and wanted to share our views and more importantly to discuss ?the missing pieces?.

As parents, we know the current system and its failings far too well so we welcomed the introduction of the Green Paper and the excitement of being involved in Pathfinders. ?However, the Bill that we have been offered isn?t quite all that we were hoping for.

The reforms offered, ?a new approach to special educational needs and disability that makes wide-ranging proposals to respond to the frustrations of children and young people, their families and the professionals who work with them? ?and a vision of reforms to, ??improve outcomes for children and young people who are disabled or have SEN, minimise the adversarial nature of the system for families and maximise value for money?.

What we?ve been given in the Children and Families Bill has not quite lived up to the hype.

The good bits:

  • Children, young people and their families are to be true participants in all decisions affecting them
  • A duty for health, social care and education to commission jointly (which theoretically means they will actually speak to each other)
  • Education Health and Care Plans (EHCP) to be available up to the age of 25
  • Academies and Free Schools to have the same SEN requirements as maintained schools
  • Independent Special Schools will be included on the list of schools that parents can request as a placement (although the proviso about ?efficient use of resources? is still in there)

What?s missing?

  • Disabled children and young people?without SEN. ?Despite the Green Paper offering improved outcomes for children and young people who are disabled or have SEN, the Children and Families Bill is only offering the new EHCPs to those with SEN. ?This decision shows a real lack of understanding from the DfE about the difficulties that children and young people with ?just? a disability (and no SEN) face. ?The Children and Families Bill suggests that the needs of these group will be met by the Local Offer.
  • Local Offer ? Minimum Standards. ?Currently, the DfE are suggesting a ?common framework? for the Local Offer. ?This could possibly (and will most probably) result in a postcode lottery. ?As the Local Offer is being offered as the alternative to EHCPs, there needs to be much clearer legal obligation of minimum standards for Local Authorities. ??Minimum? indicates that something is the very least which could or should happen. ?Framework? indicates?a?skeletal?structure?designed?to?support something.
  • There does not appear to be, within the Bill, a ?duty to provide? the contents of the Local Offer, just to publish it and that a local authority ?may? wish to review it ?from time to time?. All a little bit wooly.
  • School Action/School Action +. ?There is no mention within the Bill as to how the needs of children currently on SA/SA+ will be met. ?Again, if the Local Offer is to be the alternative then this ?needs to be much more prescriptive to Local Authorities. The DfE says the replacement structure for the present lower categories of SEN will be defined in the new Code of Practice which is now starting to be drawn up ? interestingly by a different team of officials to the one that drafted the bill. Hmmm.
  • No duty on health or social care to provide the services within the EHCP ? just an obligation to jointly commission with the local authority. There needs to be an realisation in government that the words ?Joint Commissioning? aren?t a new magic spell ? a sort of Abracadabra for SEN. Optimistically repeating the ?Joint Commissioning? mantra doesn?t mean it?s, as if by magic, just going to happen.
  • No specified time frames from when you apply for an EHCP assessment to when you receive an assessment and more importantly, a EHCP. ?Currently, it takes 26 weeks from applying for an Assessment of SEN to actually receiving a Statement of SEN. ?This, as a parent, can seem like a lifetime (especially if you only hear about the need for a statement a short time before your child attends school ? and yes, this is more common than people like to admit). However, you can see a light at the end of the tunnel with a deadline of 26 weeks. ?The new Bill does not provide any defined time scales and this is essential for families. It does say that the regulations may make provision for this ? but ?may? should really be replaced with ?must? as this is a key point.
  • Key worker -?throughout the Green Paper, there was mention of a key worker for families. ?One person to go to, who would help the families through the jungle but there is no mention of this within the Bill. ?This is one of those key features that really excited a lot of families. ?The ability to have one person; one person who would repeat your story for you and point you in the right direction to access the support your family needs. This is one aspect of the initial aspirational Green Paper that needs to be clarified ? both for families and practitioners. Was this just an absent-minded omission from the Bill or has the DfE decided to quietly sweep this innovative and important role under the carpet? Note to DfE: if it?s the former, someone needs a slapped wrist, if it?s the latter, you?ve been rumbled so put it back in, pronto. Or is this another point for the ?regulations??
  • Time ? the current Bill is scheduled for Royal Assent in Spring 2014 (i.e. passed into law) with September 2014 being proposed for when this will come into practice. ?How will Local Authorities and PCTs manage to train all the necessary staff in this short time (especially with a 6/7 week school holiday in that time)? Ask any parent and they will say the same: they would far rather wait for another six months so that LAs can get all their recruiting and training in place (not to mention their funding arrangements) than inherit a chaotic mess where no one knows what?s going on, where the money is coming from and half the staff still hanging on to the old adversarial ethos.

While we?re on the subject of culture change, a DfE official did mention to us that he thought re-training to effect culture change should be starting now. I would be really interested to know what funding or provisions or courses there are in existence or planned, to begin this process ? which is arguably one of the most important parts of the entire process. Indeed, it might be a little controversial to suggest, but if a root and branch programme of culture change within LA SEN departments had been put into practice to start with, there may have been less need to overhaul the entire system.

The new Children and Families Bill does have the potential to provide children and families with, ?A new approach to special educational needs and disability? and to, ??improve outcomes for children and young people who are disabled or have SEN, minimise the adversarial nature of the system for families and maximise value for money? but not without some more thought and considerable tweaking.

Tania & Debs

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Posted by Debs Aspland on February 25, 2013


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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

?R to cut public finance deficit to below 3% this year | Prague Monitor

?TK |

25 February 2013

Prague, Feb 22 (CTK) - The Finance Ministry expects to keep public finance deficit below the planned 3 percent of GDP this year on condition the economic situation in Europe does not worsen dramatically, Finance Minister Miroslav Kalousek said in reaction to estimates released by the European Commission Friday.

The EC said in its new forecast it expects the Czech public finance deficit to reach 3.1 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) this year. The Finance Ministry reckons with a 2.9 percent deficit.

For the year 2012, the EC expects a public finance deficit at 5.2 percent owing to a one-off operation involving the entry of the restitution of church property on budget accounts. The restitution claims contributed 1.5 percent to the deficit.

The EC also said Friday it expects the Czech economy to stagnate this year.

"This is a forecast. Unless the economic situation in Europe worsens markedly, we will maintain the deficit below 3 percent so as we can finish the excessive deficit procedure," Kalousek said.

Kalousek does not plan to introduce any extraordinary measures in the state budget if the deficit is higher,

"Two or three tenths of percent of GDP is a task that the government can cope with in operating expenses of its ministries," he said.

The EC opened the excessive deficit procedure for the Czech Republic in 2009 when the country's budget deficit was almost double the permitted limit. The EU demands that the Czech government should cut the deficit below 3 percent of GDP by 2013.

The procedure might lead to a suspension of European subsidy payments in an extreme case.

The public finance deficit is calculated as the difference of revenues and expenditures of ministries and other government institutions, municipalities, selected state-subsidised organisations, state and other off-budget funds (Land Fund, Support and Guarantee Agricultural and Forestry Fund, Wine Fund and others), Railway Infrastructure Administration, transformation institution Prisko, PPP Centre, public universities, public research institutes, health insurance companies, associations and unions of health insurance companies, and Centre of Interstate Settlements.

CR's macroeconomic indicators:

2012 2013 2014
GDP (change in pct against previous year) - 1.1 0.0 1.9
Unemployment (in pct, Eurostat methodology) 7.0 7.6 7.3
Inflation (HICP, in pct) 3.5 2.1 1.6
Budget deficit (as pct of GDP) - 5.2 - 3.1 3.0
Debt (as pct of GDP) 45.5 48.0 49.5

Source: European Commission

Copyright 2011 by the Czech News Agency (?TK). All rights reserved.
Copying, dissemination or other publication of this article or parts thereof without the prior written consent of ?TK is expressly forbidden. The Prague Daily Monitor and Monitor CE are not responsible for its content.


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Firefox OS heading to Brazil, Mexico, Poland, Spain and more; Huawei device coming soon

Not content with a simple Deutsche Telecom announcement, Mozilla's using Mobile World Congress as a platform to launch its mobile operating system in a slew of markets. Rolling out in waves, the first round of devices featuring Firefox OS include the likes of Brazil, Colombia, Hungary, Mexico, Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Spain and Venezuela, with more markets soon, according to the company. The first round of handsets include devices by Alcatel, LG and ZTE. Mozilla also let slip news of a forthcoming handset from Huawei, who just capped up their own MWC press conference. As you'd expect, there's a whole slew of carriers on board. You can find the list in the release after the break.

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Abbott's nine wickets help South Africa to sweep

PRETORIA | Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:19pm GMT

PRETORIA (Reuters) - Debutant Kyle Abbott took nine wickets as South Africa completed a 3-0 series sweep over Pakistan with a crushing innings and 18 run victory in the third and final cricket test at Centurion on Sunday.

Pakistan were bowled out for 235 in their second innings, having managed 156 in their first in reply to South Africa's 409.

The win, completed in three days, made Graeme Smith the first captain to claim 50 test wins.

"It has been a very special summer at home with some incredible milestones for myself and the team," Smith told reporters. "To be able to achieve something today in winning 50 tests with a special group of cricketers is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life."

Abbott, who had come in for the injured Jacques Kallis, was the pick of the South African seamers on a helpful wicket, recording match figures of nine for 68.

The 25-year-old took the scalps of Imran Farhat (43) and Ehsan Adil (12) to add to his seven wickets from the first innings.

"My knowledge of Kyle was limited going into the test match so it was fantastic to see him bowl as well as he did," Smith said. "He bowled at a good, solid pace, hit the deck hard, got the ball in the right areas. He asked a lot of questions."

Starting the day on 14 for one, Pakistan showed some fighting spirit losing only Younus Khan (11), who played a thick edge off Dale Steyn to Smith at first slip, in the morning session.

The tourists began to implode after lunch. Azhar Ali (27) and Farhat put on 54 for the third wicket before the former ran himself out in calamitous fashion.


Farhat worked the ball to fine leg and after running one, Ali turned for a second at the wicketkeeper's end. He was always struggling against the bullet throw of Steyn from the boundary and in the end was well short.

Pakistan lost two more wickets with the score on 107.

Abbott picked up his eighth of the match when Farhat (43) slashed at a wide delivery and was caught by wicketkeeper AB de Villiers.

Captain Misbah-ul-Haq (5) became Rory Kleinveldt's first wicket of the game when he got a thin edge to a ball. Kleinveldt took a second when Asad Shafiq (6) scooped a delivery to Vernon Philander at mid-off.

Saeed Ajmal (31) and Sarfraz Ahmed put on 69 for the seventh wicket, but the former was trapped lbw by Steyn to end the resistance.

Sarfraz (40) followed soon afterwards when he top-edged Steyn to Dean Elgar at third man and Ehsan Adil tried to pull Abbott but only succeeded in ballooning the ball to Kleinveldt at mid-on.

The final pair of Mohammad Irfan (6 not out) and Rahat Ali (22) hung around for another 33 runs before Rahat was lbw to Robin Peterson to end the match.

South Africa won the first test in Johannesburg by 211 runs and completed a four-wicket victory in the second in Cape Town.

"This is the best team I have played in as a South African cricketer, we have all our bases covered," Smith said. "Part of that is the maturity and professionalism with which they approach every match. If you are even 10 percent off in your game it can affect the result, but the guys gave it everything again."

Pakistan captain Misbah said his team lacked consistency.

"Full credit to the South Africans for the way they played in this series, their batting, bowling and fielding was better," Misbah said.

"We had an opportunity to win the second test in Cape Town with two hundreds and 10 wickets for Saeed Ajmal, but a batting collapse hurt us there. It has been the story of our series."

(Editing by Alison Wildey and Clare Fallon)


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Afghanistan: US special forces must leave province

A U.S. soldier, right, photographs the scene where an insurgent was shot to death near an Afghan intelligence office in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2013. A series of early morning attacks hit eastern Afghanistan Sunday, with three separate suicide bombings in outlying provinces and a shootout between security forces and a would-be attacker in the capital city of Kabul. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)

A U.S. soldier, right, photographs the scene where an insurgent was shot to death near an Afghan intelligence office in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2013. A series of early morning attacks hit eastern Afghanistan Sunday, with three separate suicide bombings in outlying provinces and a shootout between security forces and a would-be attacker in the capital city of Kabul. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)

An Afghan intelligence officer, center, tries to turn on a vehicle used by an insurgent, who was killed by security forces, in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2013. A series of early morning attacks hit eastern Afghanistan Sunday, with three separate suicide bombings in outlying provinces and a shootout between security forces and a would-be attacker in the capital city of Kabul. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)

Security guards for the Afghan intelligence department stand guard inside a half-built building near the scene where a an insurgent was shot to death near an Afghan intelligence office in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2013. A series of early morning attacks hit eastern Afghanistan Sunday, with three separate suicide bombings in outlying provinces and a shootout between security forces and a would-be attacker in the capital city of Kabul. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)

A security official stands guard at the scene of a suicide car bomb attack which killed and injured several people at the National Directorate of Security in Jalalabad, Afghanistan, Sunday, Feb 24, 2013. A series of early morning attacks hit eastern Afghanistan Sunday, with three separate suicide bombings in outlying provinces and a shootout between security forces and a would-be attacker in the capital city of Kabul. (AP Photo/Rahmat Gul)

Explosive materials are seen in the back of a vehicle used by an insurgent at the site where he was shot to death in Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Feb. 24, 2013. A series of early morning attacks hit eastern Afghanistan Sunday, with three separate suicide bombings in outlying provinces and a shootout between security forces and a would-be attacker in the capital city of Kabul. (AP Photo/Musadeq Sadeq)

(AP) ? Afghanistan's president on Sunday ordered all U.S. special forces to leave a strategically important eastern province within two weeks because of allegations that Afghans working with them are torturing and abusing other Afghans.

The decision seems to have caught the coalition and U.S. Forces Afghanistan, a separate command, by surprise. Americans have frequently drawn anger from the Afghan public over issues ranging from Qurans burned at a U.S. base to allegations of civilian killings.

"We take all allegations of misconduct seriously and go to great lengths to determine the facts surrounding them," the U.S. forces said in a statement.

Also Sunday, a series of attacks in eastern Afghanistan showed insurgents remain on the offensive even as U.S. and other international forces prepare to end their combat mission by the end of 2014.

Suicide bombers targeted Afghanistan's intelligence agency and other security forces in four coordinated attacks in the heart of Kabul and outlying areas in a bloody reminder of the insurgency's reach nearly 12 years into the war.

Presidential spokesman Aimal Faizi said the decision to order the American special forces to leave Wardak province was taken during a meeting of the National Security Council because of the alleged actions of Afghans who are considered linked to the U.S. special forces.

He said all special forces operations were to cease immediately in the restive province next to Kabul, which is viewed as a gateway to the capital and has been the focus of counterinsurgency efforts in recent years.

The Taliban have staged numerous attacks against U.S.-led coalition forces in the province. In August 2011, insurgents shot down a Chinook helicopter, killing 30 American troops, mostly elite Navy SEALs, in Wardak. The crash was the single deadliest loss for U.S. forces in the war.

Afghan forces have taken the lead in many such special operations, especially so-called night raids.

"Those Afghans in these armed groups who are working with the U.S. special forces, the defense minister asked for an explanation of who they are," Faizi said. "Those individuals should be handed over to the Afghan side so that we can further investigate."

A statement the security council issued in English said the armed individuals have allegedly been "harassing, annoying, torturing and even murdering innocent people."

Ceasing all such operations could have a negative impact on the coalition's campaign to go after Taliban leaders and commanders, who are usually the target of such operations.

Faizi said the issue had already been brought up with the coalition.

The U.S. statement said only that the announcement was "an important issue that we intend to fully discuss with our Afghan counterparts. But until we have had a chance to speak with senior Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan officials about this issue, we are not in a position to comment further."

The brazen assaults, which occurred within a three-hour timespan, were the latest to strike Afghan forces, who have suffered higher casualties this year as U.S. and other foreign troops gradually take a back seat and shift responsibility for security to the government.

The deadliest attack occurred just after sunrise ? a suicide car bombing at the gate of the National Directorate of Security compound in Jalalabad, 125 kilometers (78 miles) east of Kabul.

Guards shot and killed the driver but he managed to detonate the explosives-packed vehicle, killing two intelligence agents and wounding three others, according to a statement by the intelligence agency. Provincial government spokesman Ahmad Zia Abdulzai confirmed the casualty toll and said the building was damaged in the attack.

A guard also shot and killed a man in an SUV filled with dynamite that was targeting an NDS building on a busy street in Kabul, not far from NATO headquarters. The explosives in the back of the vehicle were defused. Blood stained the driver's seat and the ground where security forces dragged out the would-be attacker.

Shortly before the Jalalabad attack, a suicide attacker detonated a minivan full of explosives at a police checkpoint in Pul-i-Alam on the main highway between Kabul and Logar province. One policeman was killed and two others were wounded, along with a bystander, according to the NDS.

Also in Logar province, which is due south of Kabul, a man wearing a suicide vest was stopped by police as he tried to force his way into the police headquarters for Baraki Barak district, said Din Mohammad Darwesh, the provincial government spokesman. The attacker detonated his vest while being searched, wounding one policeman, according to Darwesh and the NDS.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid claimed responsibility for the Jalalabad attack and two others in the eastern province of Logar in an email to reporters. He did not address the attempted assault in Kabul.


Associated Press writers Heidi Vogt, Rahim Faiez and Kim Gamel contributed to this report from Kabul.

Associated Press


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Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 official: 1.6GHz Exynos 4 Quad, 1280 x 800 display, HSPA+ 21, Android Jelly Bean 4.1.2

Samsung Galaxy Note 80 official 16GHz Exynos 4 Quad, 1280 x 800 display, S Penoptimized Flipboard app, HSPA 21, Android Jelly Bean

We knew another Note was coming. After all, Samsung Mobile head JK Shin confirmed the news back in January. But here at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, the tablet's finally been made official. If you haven't already inferred from its name, Samsung's latest S Pen entry boasts an 8-inch 1,280 x 800 TFT display. That puts it on par with the Note 10.1's resolution, although here users will obviously benefit from a more eye-pleasing pixel density (189ppi) and smaller 210.8mm x 135.9mm x 7.95mm (8.3 x 5.4 x 0.31 inches) footprint. Beneath that love it or hate it sealed plastic chassis, lies the company's Exynos 4 Quad processor clocked at 1.6GHz and paired with 2GB RAM, radios for WiFi a/b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, A-GPS, GLONASS and HSPA+ 21 (850/900/1900/2100MHz), up to 32GB of internal storage (microSD expansion available), in addition to a 4,600mAh battery. And, as with most Android products rolling out as of late, the Note 8.0 will ship with version 4.1.2 of Jelly Bean onboard -- skinned with the requisite TouchWiz UX.

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Czech government signs church compensation deal

PRAGUE (AP) ? The Czech government has signed deals with representatives of 16 churches to pay them billions of dollars in compensation for property that the country's former totalitarian Communist regime seized from them.

After Friday's signing, Prime Minister Petr Necas called the deals to pay 59 billion koruna ($3.1 billion) in financial compensation over the next 30 years "an act of justice."

The state, meanwhile, will gradually stop covering the churches' expenses over the next 17 years.

The payment is part of a religious restitution plan approved by Parliament. Under it, the churches, including Roman Catholic and Protestant ones, also will get back 56 percent of their former property now held by the state ? valued at 75 billion koruna ($3.9 billion).

The opposition has challenged the plan at the Constitution Court.


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Nike suspends contract with Oscar Pistorius

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) ? Nike Inc. has suspended its contract with Oscar Pistorius, the double-amputee runner from South Africa charged with premeditated murder in the Valentine's Day slaying of his girlfriend.

Pistorius, who became the first double-amputee runner to compete on the track at the Olympics at last year's London Games, is accused of intentionally killing model Reeva Steenkamp. Pistorius says he mistook Steenkamp for an intruder and that the shooting was accidental.

"We believe Oscar Pistorius should be afforded due process and we will continue to monitor the situation closely," Nike said in a brief statement posted on its website Wednesday.

On Monday, eyewear maker Oakley Inc. suspended its contract with Pistorius.

Nike dropped Lance Armstrong in October, citing insurmountable evidence that he participated in doping and misled the company about those activities for more than a decade. But the Beaverton, Ore.-based company stood by Tiger Woods after he acknowledged infidelities and went to rehab for sex addiction.

Pistorius was born without fibula bones due to a congenital defect, and had his legs amputated at 11 months. He runs on carbon-fiber blades and was originally banned from competing against able-bodied peers because many argued that his blades gave him an unfair advantage.

In 2008, however, the Court of Arbitration for Sport cleared him to compete against the fastest in the world.

Pistorius is a multiple Paralympic medalist, but he failed to win a medal at the London Olympics, where he ran in the 400 meters and on South Africa's 4x400 relay team.

He won a silver medal with his country's 4x400 relay team at the 2011 world championships in Daegu, South Korea.


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Friday, February 22, 2013

"Identity Thief" could swipe box-office from openers "Snitch," "Dark Skies"

LOS ANGELES ( - It's clear that Hollywood will be more focused on the Oscars than the box office this weekend.

The studios have for the most part steered clear of the theaters. Neither of this week's two wide openers - the Weinstein Company's low-budget horror thriller "Dark Skies" and Summit's Dwayne Johnson action film "Snitch" - are expected to crack $13 million.

The battle for the top spot will likely be between last week's runner-up, "Identity Thief," and last week's No. 1 movie, "Good Day to Die Hard." Only with a lot of luck could "Snitch" sneak in for a surprise win.

"Identity Thief," the R-rated comedy starring Melissa McCarthy and Jason Bateman appears to have the most momentum. It has already claimed 2013's biggest opening, more than doubled its $35 million production budget in box-office grosses and will be the year's first $100 million movie.

Universal still has it in roughly 3,000 locations, and it looks likely to claim the top spot with around $13.5 million.

"Good Day to Die Hard" remains in more than 3,000 theaters for Fox and will compete directly for male action fans with the PG-13 rated "Snitch. A 50 percent drop from last weekend would put it at $12 million for the three days. The fifth film in the "Die Hard" franchise, and the first since 2007, "Good Day" has already taken in $40 million domestically since its Valentine's Day debut, and double that figure overseas.

In "Snitch," Johnson stars as a father who goes undercover for the DEA to free his son whowas imprisoned after being set up in a drug deal. Susan Sarandon, Benjamin Bratt and Barry Pepper co-star in the film, directed by Rick Roman Waughm who co-wrote with Justin Haythe.

Johnson is coming off two box-office hits, "Fast and Furious 5" and "Journey 2," the latter of which opened to $27 million about this time last year and went on to make $325 million worldwide. This is the first of five movies he'll be in this year, including next month's "G.I. Joe: Retaliation" and "Fast and Furious 6" in May.

But this year has been a tricky for action heroes. Arnold Schwarzenegger's "The Last Stand" and Sly Stallone's "Bullet to the Head" both tanked in January, before "Good Day to Die Hard" opened to a solid $28.6 million last week.

"Snitch" will be in 2,511 theaters for Summit and is expected to finish the weekend with between $10 million and $12 million.

Weinstein is handling P&A costs in return for distributing.

Weinstein has it in roughly 2,313 theaters and a three-day total of around $9 million seems likely.

"We're very excited about being in the Jason Blum business," the Weinstein Company's head of distribution Erik Lomis told TheWrap Thursday.

Two other films that over-achieved last week will be factors again this week. Relativity still has the Nicholas Sparks adaptation "Safe Haven" in roughly 3,000 locations, on the heels of its surprising $24.6 million haul last weekend. A roughly $10 million second week is a good bet.

"Escape From Planet Earth," the Weinstein Company's computer animated kids film, overachieved with nearly $16 million over its debut weekend. For the second week in a row, it will be the only real family fare in the market, and Weinstein has added about 75 screens to take the location count to 3,350, so a three-day total north of $10 million appears likely.

The studios will be back with four wide releases on March 1. That's when Relativity unveils its teen comedy "21 and Over," New Line debuts adventure film "Jack the Giant Slayer," CBS Films is back with "The Last Exorcism Part II" and RCR Distribution's thriller "Phantom" rolls out.


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Sony Xperia SP set for MWC showing

Information on a new Sony smartphone called the Sony Xperia SP has emerged, pointing to an MWC 2013 reveal.

According to the information provided by Android Central, the Sony Xperia SP will be an upper-mid-range Android device that will slot in below the Sony Xperia Z.

The Sony Xperia SP will feature a 4.6-inch 720p display. This might sound like a top-end screen, but new high-end Android devices tend to be announced with 1080p displays.

Still, it'll run on a very capable 1.7GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro processor, though it'll only be the dual-core variant.

The Sony Xperia SP will also sport an 8-megapixel camera with an Exmor RS image sensor. Meanwhile its 8GB of internal storage is another hint at the phone's next gen mid-range status, though there'll also be a microSD slot for expansion purposes.

The device is said to be largely formed from aluminium, but with a plastic back. It'll weigh 155 grams, and it's dimensions will be 130.6 x 67.1 x 9.98mm.

One other interesting aspect is the phone's potential transparent bar, carried over from previous devices in the range, like the Sony Xperia P. However, here you may be able to customise the light bar for certain notifications.

The report claims that the Sony Xperia SP will be announced at the MWC show being held next week.

If this is the shape of the new Android mid-range, are you impressed? Let us know in the comments section below, or via the Trusted Reviews Twitter and Facebook feeds.


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Thursday, February 21, 2013

The Weirdest Thing on the Internet Tonight: Kitty Burlesk (NSFW)

While burlesque shows are typically reserved for only the old-timiest and classiest of strippers, "Kitty Burlesk" by Big Jim 369 drives the genre into undiscovered country. It incorporates Terry Gilliam-style animation, Internet cat memes, and middle-age boobage to create a psychedelic tops-off dance-off. More »


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Increasing evidence links high glycemic index foods and dairy products to acne

Increasing evidence links high glycemic index foods and dairy products to acne [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 20-Feb-2013
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Contact: Eileen Leahy
Elsevier Health Sciences

Medical nutrition therapy can play an important role, according to Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics report

Philadelphia, PA, February 20, 2013 A study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has determined that there is increasing evidence of a connection between diet and acne, particularly from high glycemic load diets and dairy products, and that medical nutrition therapy (MNT) can play an important role in acne treatment.

More than 17 million Americans suffer from acne, mostly during their adolescent and young adult years. Acne influences quality of life, including social withdrawal, anxiety, and depression, making treatment essential. Since the late 1800s, research has linked diet to this common disease, identifying chocolate, sugar, and fat as particular culprits, but beginning in the 1960s, studies disassociated diet from the development of acne.

"This change occurred largely because of the results of two important research studies that are repeatedly cited in the literature and popular culture as evidence to refute the association between diet and acne," says Jennifer Burris, MS, RD, of the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, New York University. "More recently, dermatologists and registered dietitians have revisited the diet-acne relationship and become increasingly interested in the role of medical nutritional therapy in acne treatment."

Burris and colleagues, William Rietkerk, Department of Dermatology, New York Medical College, and Kathleen Woolf, of New York University's Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health, conducted a literature review to evaluate evidence for the diet-acne connection during three distinctive time periods: early history, the rise of the diet-acne myth, and recent research.

Culling information from studies between 1960 and 2012 that investigated diet and acne, investigators compiled data for a number of study characteristics, including reference, design, participants, intervention method, primary outcome, results and conclusions, covariate considerations, and limitations.

They concluded that a high glycemic index/glycemic load diet and frequent dairy consumption are the leading factors in establishing the link between diet and acne. They also note that although research results from studies conducted over the last 10 years do not demonstrate that diet causes acne, it may influence or aggravate it.

The study team recommends that dermatologists and registered dietitians work collaboratively to design and conduct quality research. "This research is necessary to fully elucidate preliminary results, determine the proposed underlying mechanisms linking diet and acne, and develop potential dietary interventions for acne treatment," says Burris. "The medical community should not dismiss the possibility of diet therapy as an adjunct treatment for acne. At this time, the best approach is to address each acne patient individually, carefully considering the possibility of dietary counseling."


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Increasing evidence links high glycemic index foods and dairy products to acne [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 20-Feb-2013
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Contact: Eileen Leahy
Elsevier Health Sciences

Medical nutrition therapy can play an important role, according to Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics report

Philadelphia, PA, February 20, 2013 A study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics has determined that there is increasing evidence of a connection between diet and acne, particularly from high glycemic load diets and dairy products, and that medical nutrition therapy (MNT) can play an important role in acne treatment.

More than 17 million Americans suffer from acne, mostly during their adolescent and young adult years. Acne influences quality of life, including social withdrawal, anxiety, and depression, making treatment essential. Since the late 1800s, research has linked diet to this common disease, identifying chocolate, sugar, and fat as particular culprits, but beginning in the 1960s, studies disassociated diet from the development of acne.

"This change occurred largely because of the results of two important research studies that are repeatedly cited in the literature and popular culture as evidence to refute the association between diet and acne," says Jennifer Burris, MS, RD, of the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, New York University. "More recently, dermatologists and registered dietitians have revisited the diet-acne relationship and become increasingly interested in the role of medical nutritional therapy in acne treatment."

Burris and colleagues, William Rietkerk, Department of Dermatology, New York Medical College, and Kathleen Woolf, of New York University's Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health, conducted a literature review to evaluate evidence for the diet-acne connection during three distinctive time periods: early history, the rise of the diet-acne myth, and recent research.

Culling information from studies between 1960 and 2012 that investigated diet and acne, investigators compiled data for a number of study characteristics, including reference, design, participants, intervention method, primary outcome, results and conclusions, covariate considerations, and limitations.

They concluded that a high glycemic index/glycemic load diet and frequent dairy consumption are the leading factors in establishing the link between diet and acne. They also note that although research results from studies conducted over the last 10 years do not demonstrate that diet causes acne, it may influence or aggravate it.

The study team recommends that dermatologists and registered dietitians work collaboratively to design and conduct quality research. "This research is necessary to fully elucidate preliminary results, determine the proposed underlying mechanisms linking diet and acne, and develop potential dietary interventions for acne treatment," says Burris. "The medical community should not dismiss the possibility of diet therapy as an adjunct treatment for acne. At this time, the best approach is to address each acne patient individually, carefully considering the possibility of dietary counseling."


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Calpers votes to sell stake in two gun makers

SACRAMENTO, California (Reuters) - The investment committee of Calpers, the biggest U.S. pension fund, voted on Tuesday to divest its holding in two manufacturers of guns and high-capacity ammunition clips banned in California.

The move affects about $5 million in investments in Smith & Wesson Holding Corp and Sturm, Ruger & Co at the $254 billion California Public Employees' Retirement System, best known at Calpers.

The vote follows a divestment motion by Calpers board member, investment committee member and California State Treasurer Bill Lockyer in response to the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut in December.

Lockyer said divestment by Calpers would be largely symbolic given the amount of money involved but argued to fellow investment committee members that it would hold "special meaning" for school faculty and employees who are members of the pension fund.

Lockyer also sits on the board of the California State Teachers' Retirement System, which decided last month to divest its holdings in makers of firearms and high-capacity ammunition clips illegal in California.

A semi-automatic rifle used at the Sandy Hook school is banned in California. The mass shooting in Newton has sparked a national debate regarding gun control, with some pension funds flexing their financial clout to weigh in on the issue.

New York City's top financial officer said on Friday that the city's $46.6 billion teachers' pension fund pulled its money out of publicly traded firearms manufacturers.

According to New York City Comptroller John Liu, the five companies from which the fund divested are Alliant Techsystems Inc, Olin Corp, Forjas Taurus SA, Smith & Wesson and Sturm, Ruger.

(Reporting by Jim Christie)


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