Saturday, June 23, 2012

Karen Klein to School Bus Bully Kids: Apology NOT Accepted!

Karen Klein, the now famous school bus bullying victim, says she does NOT accept the apologies offered by two of the Greece, N.Y., kids whose taunts drove her to tears.

Klein, 68, has said she will not press charges or pursue any action against the terrible teenagers, claiming she feels sorry for them and their parents.

Accepting yesterday's apologies from the bullies, however? Not happening.

Karen Klein Picture

Asked if she forgives the children who harassed her in light of the statements issued on Friday, she says, "Not really," and simply adds "I think they can do better."

Two of the devil children wrote the bus monitor letters after the video went viral this week and their 10-minute verbal torture session of the woman was exposed.

Klein also got a letter from the parents of a boy who participated. She and her daughter say they're not ready to forgive, though, given what she went through.

Klein also has a few suggestions about how the kids should be punished, including bans from both riding the bus and sports at school for a year or more.

Considering what she endured, that could be considered lenient.

Watch the video that started it all after the jump ...

The kids, whose names we are not posting here, have reportedly been the targets of death threats and harassment themselves since this broke.

Regarding the HUGE donations she's received from sympathetic Internet users, Karen Klein is nearly speechless - a windfall of $550,000 will do that.

She plans to donate much of it right back into charities supporting both Down Syndrome and autism. There's your silver lining to the above awfulness.


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